Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Facebook Friends Discuss Aspects of Life and Death

I do not not know who to attribute this wall photo to. For now, Thanks, Lord!
I traced it as far back as: http://www.facebook.com/vineyardworkers .I discovered it on
a FaceBook Buddy's page.  Following is our conversation:

  • Me: ...Is THAT why butterflies delight us?

    (Unknown to anyone else I am thinking of the

    orange butterflies I noted on my recent bike

    enjoyed exchanging pleasantries with folks out

    enjoying the day--including the lady that almost

    sprayed me with her water hose. ...a common

    uneventful day that seemed a bit like the

    definition of utopia, a touch of heaven, accented

    with orange butterflies -- I WAS delighted

ME: SO, a human body is to a cocoon as a spirit freed of the bondage of a human body is to a butterfly. I think the worst aspect of human death is that other humans miss the spirit of the newly released. I believe that once the transformation completes--the spirit that used to reside in that human house is happy and free. For years I felt that God, the Creator had kept death and the transformation a secret. But, he didn't. He showed us as He has many other principles, by Parable. We just have to see and receive. This poster is a purrfect example. (The poster above).

I'd give anything to just swoop up there and find solace in a place where I could witness just what God expects of us here on this earth....Just to hear both His humor at how little humankind truly understands, yet also his disappointment at all He has provided us, all the knowledge that is there for ours to simply grasp, yet how little we have done with that opportunity, and at how much that opportunity has been so misguided,,,..all the wars, the killing, the heartless and evil amongst us, the inability to focus on bettering this world that is ours for only a little while...just a flinch of a moment in His eyes, a blink..but a lifetime to us.....My apology....There I go again, going on and on....sorry 'bout that....I could sit and talk for hours about just about anything, but this transformation subject really peaks my attention. I've just never had this huge fear of death 'cause I it's just a natural transformation into what I believe is a spiritual promotion of sorts....I've missed out on maybe only one aspect of how we humans live our lives.....so I'm hoping I've quite a ways to go so I'll hopefully be able to reach out out and grasp that opportunity when I sense that it's there in my life...But - that gets complicated, I guess....'Guess I just need to uncomplicate it.....Now I KNOW God's laughing !!!!!!

Quite the opposite. I was just enlightened myself, Providentially speaking. God tells us all about it, we just haven't listened. I imagine God laughing heartily at us at times. We keep asking him for enlightenment that is already within our grasp, we ask for stuff and all we have to do is accept it. Is it as clear to you as to me about death--transformation, rather? Is it my imagination or is God showing us so that we will not be afraid, and that we will continue to delight in our time on earth KNOWING it IS temporary? Is this why there is a trend in some beliefs to have a farewell party?

FB Friend...You mention "WE just haven't listened"....Hmmmmmm...not so sure about the "WE" 'cause it seems to assume the totality of ALL of us. And your thoughts on death and transformation.....With all I've been through in THIS life, I can honestly say that I've just always been at such peace with myself, in knowing that - yes - THIS is all just temporary, and - yes - once we accept it all as such, there simply is no fear, no need to be afraid. Strange that you imagine God may be laughing heartily at us all at times because that enlightenment IS already within our grasp, yet so many keep seeking it throughout their life. That enlightenment is right there beside us 'cause I believe He just wanted to see who will continue to ask and seek, instead of simply finding the delights that He has provided...whether it be enjoying a sunset for hours, or the beauty of the trees, the music within us, and being grateful to Him on those occasions when we are able to help someone else along the way. I truly believe there are angels amongst us....laugh if you please, but I've certainly been the recipient of their generosity on many occasions  I ask for nothing is this life...I just enjoy the giving part of all this life allows me.

...There's times I look towards the sky...special times...and it's almost as if I can hear a chant of some sort as in that song "Calling All Angels"....A time when He wants to get all of them together and just grin and say to them "Please...Please get back down there and help those folks get their act together"!!!!..."Tell them there's no reason fear or be afraid....just BELIEVE and that it's the smallest and kindest of things they do that really make a difference."......'Makes me 'wanna just fly off into the sky myself !!!!!

So,----a snake shedding it's 

skin is like...humans shedding 

our bodies.